Nutra & Pharma

ASSO has developed a range of grape seed extracts suited for all applications and budgets.

OmniVin 20R can be used as a very strong polyphenolic radical scavenger alone or in combination with anti-oxidants, e.g. vitamin C or E. In cost sensitive formulations the use of OmniVin 10R or OmniVin R is recommended.

Both OmniVin 20R and OmniVin WG are used in cosmetic skin-care formulations to impart anti-oxidant or anti-ageing effects.It is also useful as an adjuvant in sun-screen formulations where it can help reduce UV induced skin damage.

The medicinal use of tannins dates back thousands of years. Use of gallotannins in pharma applications include:

Omnivin range includes the GSE with higher monomers content available on the market.

  • Anti-diarrhoea compositions
  • Inflammatory skin conditions

Alsok is our range specifically developed for the pharmaceutical applications.

We also developed PGG, a mono-component from tannic acid matrix, with purity of over 95%. PGG is an excellent alternative for commercial tannic acids due to its similar physico-chemical properties but without the ill-defined composition.

The statements on this website have not been evaluated by FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease.

For more detailed information, please contact us via our

Our markets





BEVERAGE & Flavour


Nutraceuticals & PHARMA