Our green cdmo services

We deliver CDMO services for the development, scaling and manufacturing of fine chemicals based on sustainable chemistry​ from lab to multi-ton quantities

We have been specialized in green chemistry for over 75 years, and we combine our expertise in botanical extractions and access to fermentation with the latest innovative technologies in chemistry.

We are a reliable partner for companies in various sectors, such as cosmetics, fragrances, food and feed. Our customers trust upon us to solve complex problems and create innovative products.

Woman experimenting

Development scale-up and manufacturing

From lab to multiton commercial scale

 Deep expertise in PAT 

QbD employed 

Effective continuous improvement programs


Continuous flow

Continuous flow manufacturing of liquids, slurries, and gas-liquids

In-house technology for:

> photo-chemistry

> high pressure, high temperature reactions (slurry compatible)

> slow and heterogeneous reactions


Green chemistry


Selective chemistries

Renewable sources

Precious Group Metals recovery

Waterbased Chemistry

Botanical extraction

Continuous counter current extraction and purification

Multi-solvent extractions

Able to handle 20MT of raw material on a daily basis

Project Management

Project management support

At Ajinomoto Sustainable Solutions, our project management team is focused on meeting the needs of our customers and their products.

From RFP through product shipping and all the milestones in between, the project management team works to balance the needs and expectations of all stakeholders, while focusing on the end goal: high quality, sustainable manufactured products delivered on time.